Freedom to Speak Up

Speaking up about any concern members of staff have at work is really important.

It helps us to keep improving our services for all patients and the working environment for our staff.

Staff may feel worried about speaking up, and we understand this. Please don’t be put off.

The NHS aspires to be the safest health system in the world and achieving that ambition requires us to listen to our staff. Our senior leaders and Governing Body are committed to an open and transparent culture and encourage staff to speak up.

We will look into what you say and you will always have access to the support you need. This includes individual support, keeping you informed throughout the process and at the conclusion to provide feedback.

Freedom to Speak Up Policy

This policy is written to support staff in raising concerns. The policy sets out our commitment to an open and honest culture in which staff feel safe and supported to raise concerns and gives guidance and advice on raising a concern.

The policy can be found here.


Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

The Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) Guardian plays acts as an independent and impartial source of advice to staff at any stage of raising a concern. The role is to ensure that a culture of speaking up is instilled throughout the organisation and effective processes are in place to support staff.

As a nationally defined role, the FTSU Guardian focuses on the key area of supporting individuals to raise concerns that are in the interest of patients or the public.

Our FTSU Guardians are:

James Milner, Head of Pharmacy Integration and Workforce
Phone: 07721 114 886

Brett Toro-Pearce, Deputy Director for Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism, Children and Young People, and Lead for Individual Commissioning
Phone: 07971 141 159

The Executive lead for Freedom to Speak Up is Alison Smith, Director of Corporate Affairs.

The Board lead for Freedom to Speak Up is Meredith Vivian, Non Executive Director, ICB

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Page last updated 20 January 2025