Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are safe and effective and have been proven to reduce hospitalisations and severe illness. They give you the best protection against COVID-19.
For some, particularly older people and those with a weakened immune system, COVID-19 can still be very dangerous and even life-threatening. COVID-19 vaccines offered by the NHS provide protection against the virus and help reduce the risk of serious illness. The vaccine has saved countless lives, prevented thousands from needing to go to hospital and helped us to live with the virus without fear or restrictions.
Protection against COVID-19 (either from catching the virus or from a previous vaccination) can fade over time and the virus can change so if you are at higher risk of severe illness it is important that you top up your protection.
In line with expert advice, this spring the NHS is offering COVID-19 vaccines to people who are at increased risk of serious illness from the virus – including those aged 65 and over, residents of care homes for older adults, and those with a weakened immune system and frontline health and social care workers.
Vaccinations will begin on Tuesday 3 October for all cohorts.
The NHS will be inviting those eligible, but you do not need to wait for an invitation to book your vaccine. Booking a spring COVID-19 vaccine is simple and easy if you are eligible:
- Download the NHS App and make an appointment
- Visit
- Call 119 for free if you can’t get online (translators are available)
Some areas also offer convenient walk-in options – to find out what is available visit,
Getting your COVID-19 vaccine is very convenient, with thousands of appointments available across the country every day at more sites (usually pharmacies and GP practices) than ever before for a autumn/winter campaign.
If you or your child are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine this spring, make sure you come forward for this extra protection.
You can find out the latest information about the COVID-19 vaccine at
Seasonal COVID-19 vaccine
You may be able to get a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine in Autumn/Winter 2024/25 if you’re at increased risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19. For example, this may be due to a health condition or your age. Those who are eligible include:
- adults aged 65 years and over
- residents in care homes for older adults
- individuals aged 6 months to 64 who have a weakened immune system (as defined in the Green Book, chapter 14a; tables 3 and 4). this includes:
- Individuals with primary or acquired immunodeficiency states at the time of vaccination due to certain conditions
- Individuals on immunosuppressive or immunomodulating therapy at the time of vaccination
- Individuals with chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease who were receiving or had received immunosuppressive therapy prior to vaccination
- Individuals who had received high dose steroids for any reason in the month before vaccination
- Frontline health and social care workers (will need to book via NBS or attend a walk-in clinic)
The NHS will contact you if your NHS record suggests you may be eligible. All cohorts will start to be vaccinated from 3 October 2024. The NHS will start to invite people in those eligible from Monday 16 September, with the public being able to book an appointment on the National Booking Service from Monday 23 September.
When available, there may be different ways you can get a COVID-19 seasonal vaccine:
- booking online or via 119
- going to a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site
- a local NHS service, such as a vaccine centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
- through your care home
In June, the NHS started offering Covid-19 vaccinations for children aged between 6 months to 4 years who are at increased risk from Covid-19 due to certain medical conditions, in line with expert advice from JCVI. This offer also remains open to eligible children.
If your child is eligible, they will be invited by your local NHS services, for example through your GP or Consultant. They will then make a referral to the Covid-19 Vaccination team. Your child will be offered two vaccinations at least 8 weeks apart to provide greater protection. If you have any queries or have not been contacted speak to you child’s Consultant/GP for more information.
If you develop a new health condition or start treatment that severely weakens your immune system, you may need additional protection before autumn 2024.
Your consultant or GP will assess whether you need an additional vaccine. They will make a referral to the Covid-19 Vaccination team and advise on the best timing for vaccination around your planned treatment. Speak to your Consultant/GP for more information.