Supporting youth mental health across Telford and Wrekin
Created by Telford & Wrekin Council, in collaboration with partners and local young people, the Young Person’s Year of Wellbeing is a commitment to better mental health. The campaign seeks to offer advice to support young people’s mental health through a series of emails reaching them weekly with small, simple but achievable actions.
The service was designed off the back of the successful Year of Wellbeing – supporting adults’ physical and mental health – and created with young people at its core.
By signing up and pledging to a year of wellbeing, the young person will join over 500 others to receive a suite of 12 emails. Each week, the young person will receive information on ways to improve their wellbeing, including tips and services to reach out to if they need support with their mental health.
To find out more about the Young Person’s Year of Wellbeing and to sign the pledge, please visit