We want to celebrate our staff and the commitment you all show in supporting or delivering outstanding patient care.
That’s why we’ve launched our Star of the Month Award – giving you the chance to nominate a colleague who you believe deserve to be celebrated.
Do you work with someone who deserves to be thanked?
Do you have a colleague who makes the extra effort to help?
We want to hear about our unsung heroes.
We know there are great people doing great things to benefit their patients and/or colleagues every day – we want you to tell us about them.
How do I nominate someone?
If you know someone who fits this description, why not nominate them for our Star of the Month Award?
To submit your nomination, simply fill in the form below. You can nominate as many people as you like but please send just one per form.
Having trouble accessing the form? Click here.
What happens next?
The Star of the Month Award is presented once a month, with the winner usually announced by the Interim Accountable Officer at the last Staff Huddle of the month.
Plus every member of staff who receives a nomination will also get a certificate which includes who nominated them and the reason why.