Services for adults and children and young people with high support needs
19 June 2023
This week marks Learning Disability Week, 19 – 25 June.
This video tells the story of Luke, a young man with learning disabilities and complex care needs. It describes his family’s experience and the impact of the Shropshire Intensive Support Team (IST). To watch Luke’s story, click here.
Read on to learn more about some of the services provided in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin for adults and children and young people with high support needs.
The Intensive Support Team (adults)
The Intensive Support Team provides intensive support, enhancing that provided by the Community Learning Disability Teams (CLDT), for individuals who present with challenging behaviours.
It is a multidisciplinary team which consists of the Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Social Care, Psychology and Nursing.
The team works with people are at risk of offending, injuring themselves or others, placement breakdown or inappropriate hospital detention.
For more information about the IST contact: Intensive Support Team, The Redwoods Centre, Somersby Drive, Bicton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 8DS or phone 01743 211 210
The Adult Community Learning Disability Team
The Adult Community Learning Disability Team in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, run by the Midland Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT), is a Specialist multi-disciplinary service for adults with learning disabilities with complex health needs.
It includes Psychiatry, Learning Disability Nursing including Mental Health Liaison support, Acute Liaison Nurses, Non-Medical Prescribers, Health Care Support Workers, Psychologists, Physio’s, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and Assistant Practitioners.
The team has bases at both Hall Court in Telford and Redwoods in Shrewsbury and also has two smaller services offering more intensive support for people with complex physical healthcare needs or behaviours that challenge.
To be eligible for this service, people must meet all the following criteria:
- Have a significant learning disability and be over 18 years old
- Be registered with a GP in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
- Have complex health needs
- Have difficulties which are critical or substantial in nature and that cannot be fully met through mainstream services.
For more information or to request a referral form, contact the Clinical Coordinator, Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm on 01952 457417
The Keyworker Service (children and young people)
The new Keyworker Service for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, being delivered by Barnardo’s, is supporting children and young people with high support needs.
The keyworkers work with children and young people who are autistic and/or have a learning disability, are at a high risk of going into a residential placement or into hospital due to mental health conditions or distressed behaviours or are already in a hospital or residential placement.
They support children and their families to ensure the right support is in place and to enable the child/young person to stay at home if possible.
To receive support from a keyworker a child or young person must be aged 0-25 years, live in Shropshire or Telford and Wrekin, have a diagnosis of autism and/or learning disability and be on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR).
The DSR is a database which keeps track of individuals at risk of admission or already admitted to a hospital or residential placement.
To see if you or your child is eligible to join the DSR speak to your lead professional.
To download our leaflet about the keyworker service click here.
For more information about the Keyworker Service, email:
Page last updated 23 June 2023