How do you object to your data being viewed in One Health and Care?
Please consider carefully before raising an objection as it could mean that vital information about you is not immediately available when you require health or social care support. If you are uncertain if you should have your information shared please talk to those who are involved in your care and treatment.
If your data is restricted, your information will not be viewable within One Health and Care however it will continue to be shared by health and care organisations by phone, email and on paper where required as part of your direct care.
If you do not want your information viewable you can raise an objection to stop your information being seen. You will need to contact your GP Practice to request an objection to be updated within your GP record, to stop your information being shared in One Health and Care. Your GP has the right not to action your request should they feel it is not in your best interest and effects the health and care treatment you are provided. Please check on the links below to see if your GP Practice is sharing information:
- Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent GP Practices
- Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin GP Practices
- Black Country and West Birmingham GP Practices
Due to national changes on how opt outs are recorded for the National Summary Care Record, from 1st April 2022 your information will be viewable within One Health and Care. If you do not want your information viewable an objection can be raised.
What if I change my mind and want my information shared?
If your data is restricted from view, you can change your mind at any time and have your data viewable. If your information is being shared from your GP you can reverse the decision by contacting your GP Practice and ask for your objection to be removed.
What to do if your GP Practice is not listed
If your GP Practice is not listed, please raise your objection request by emailing OHC.Objection@nhs.net You will need to provide your full name, DOB and NHS Number to enable your request to be processed.
What if I change my mind and want my information shared?
If your data is not being shared by your GP, please email OHC.Reverse@nhs.net
Can an objection be raised for children’s records?
A parent or guardian can raise an objection in relation to their child’s data being viewed within One Health and Care, however the GP will take into consideration the age and competency of the child, in making the decision as part of their duty of care to the child.