Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System stands down ‘system critical incident’ status
20 April 2022
Speaking on behalf of the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System, Patricia Davies, Chief Executive of Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust, said: “Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System have stood down the ‘system critical incident’ status, meaning local health and care services are no longer facing pressure that directly threatens patient care.
“Despite the health and care system leaving critical incident status, it does not mean that health and care services are not facing pressure. Local health and care workers remain on high alert and the system will continue to monitor the situation closely to maintain the focus and responsiveness required from all partners to service our population.
“The system continues to see high numbers of Covid-19 positive patients, but there is an overall downward trend. The acute trust (SaTH) remains in internal critical incident status due to high demand on its urgent and emergency services, the number of Covid-19 positive patients (approximately 130) and staff sickness. The flow of patients in and out of hospitals has improved, however issues still remain in this area, which all partners are continuing to work together to address. There is however, a reduction in staff sickness across the system and an improvement in the number of care homes closed due to Covid outbreaks or staffing issues.
“We are asking everyone across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin to continue to use health and care services wisely, making best use of NHS 111, pharmacies, primary care, urgent treatment centres and minor injury units. This will help take the pressure off our health and care services and ensure that we can treat those who are in most urgent need.
“We are extremely grateful and would like to thank staff from the NHS and the social care community for continuing to work tirelessly to ensure that those who need to be seen and treated, receive their care in a timely manner.”
Page last updated 20 April 2022