The NHS is undergoing a major transformation following the publication of The NHS Long Term Plan and future vision of Integrated Care Systems.
Following a decision to have one strategic commissioning organisation within the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP), the CCGs developed a Communication and Engagement Plan, which outlined the engagement to be carried out in three phases.
In January 2020 the first engagement event was held with stakeholders in Shrewsbury and was well attended. The CCGs gathered the views of stakeholders on the proposed plans to replace the two current CCGs with one new Single Commissioning Organisation that covers the whole county. Feedback was gathered through a survey, which was live from 23 January 2020 until 20 February 2020.
NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit’s (MLCSU) hosted the engagement survey online and a link to it was shared by the CCGs on their websites and social media. A printable PDF version of the survey was also created to allow the surveys to be distributed at events. Completed paper surveys were then inputted in preparation for analysis. The CSU then produced an engagement report.
In addition a number of pop-up stands were scheduled across the county, where people were briefed on the proposed changes and given the opportunity to give feedback.
The second event held in December 2020 invited patients, carers, Patient Participation Group (PPG) members, support organisations and both Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin Healthwatch to attend a virtual event.
Using pre-recorded videos and breakout rooms, delegates were invited to take part in small facilitated discussions following the videos and notes were taken by the facilitators. Delegates were then invited to move into a larger meeting to take part in a Q&A. Post event, a feedback report was produced by the MLCSU. The Report was shared with the directors of the CCGs.
Following the second event, an updated Engagement Report on Phase One and Two was shared with both CCG Boards.
The third event held in March 2021 invited those delegates that had already been part of our engagement at the first and second event to come along to a virtual event and listen to presentations from directors on the patients voice, structure and implementation and partnership working and to listen to the overall feedback received by the CCGs.
During 2020/21 there has been continual engagement with the governance board, GP practice membership, executive team and staff.
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