Praise on top of the menu for RJAH catering team
The Catering team at RJAH are celebrating after the food they produce and serve has been highlighted in a national patient survey as the best in the country.
More than 1,200 patients who stayed at RJAH for at least one night during November 2021 were asked to take part in the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) Adult Inpatient Survey – with 72% of patients responding.
Questions included ‘how would you rate the hospital food’ with respondents asked to give a mark out of 10. RJAH came out on top with a score of 9.7 – the 16th time in 17 years they’ve achieved this.
RJAH patients were also asked ‘were you able to get hospital food outside of set mealtimes’ – scoring a total of 8.6 out of 10.
Those with specific dietary requirements were also asked ‘were you offered food that met any dietary needs or requirements you have’. Again, RJAH scored 9.7 out of 10.
Dan Hoggett, Catering Manager, said: “High quality and nutritious food is essential for patients during their time in hospital to ensure they recover well following their surgery or treatment and the whole team work extremely hard to ensure that’s exactly what they get.
“I speak on behalf of the whole department when I say we’re extremely proud of the food we produce. These results, as well as feedback we receive from patients, make it so rewarding.”